Forging Stronger
Crafting Beautiful
In these times of unprecedented change,
Altius Link aims to use the power of humans and technology to strengthen connections between people and people, people and businesses, and people and society.
We want to create designs that deliver the ultimate in fulfillment, and to foster a sense of excitement and fascination toward the unseen world of the future. When people from diverse backgrounds join hands, they expand the boundaries of what is possible.
We want to forge stronger connections and craft better experiences. The connections that only we can create will bring brighter futures.
Earning trust
Pursue growth in partnership with all stakeholders as an entity that is trusted and valued by society. Earn trust by acting with integrity in our interactions with people and society, and contribute to the advancement of society as a whole.
Reciprocating respect
Accept diversity and try to see the world from others' perspectives. Create new potential by valuing each person's individuality and meeting challenges with commitment and sincerity.
Finding fulfillment in work and exhilaration in change
Enhance the enjoyment of work by pursuing excitement. Create new value by responding positively to challenges and finding exhilaration in change.
Accepting both success and failure
Value the spirit of taking on challenges and respect each other even when this ends in failure. Use the creativity and innovation generated by taking on challenges to build a future that will be exciting for everyone.
Sharing happiness
Approach every action in a spirit of reciprocal gratitude and kindness. Help each other in times of difficulty and share the joy of achievement. Make the growth of the company our path to the pursuit of happiness for our customers, colleagues, and families.
Thinking and acting outwardly
Constantly focus our vision and actions outwards. Look for the truth in our relationships with society, our customers, and our partners, and work to find solutions for society's issues.
Growing in partnership with customers
Achieve growth with our customers and exceed their expectations by continually changing ourselves and creating new value. Contribute to the business activities of our customers by discovering underlying and unspoken needs.
Setting and achieving ambitious goals
Set ambitious goals and strive passionately to achieve them. Work with unwavering determination to take on challenges and share the joy of success with all stakeholders.
Displaying leadership in thought and action
Act as individuals with a sense of ownership and leadership. Expand the possibilities of work and life by thinking independently and taking responsibility for one's own actions.
Taking pride in professionalism
Act with pride as professionals. Never be satisfied with the status quo; rather, continually seek to improve and work toward ever greater achievements. Find paths to growth through continual learning and striving, and make a commitment to achieving outcomes.
Acting with integrity
Sustainability Policy
Altius Link's Purpose is "Forging Stronger Connections, Crafting Beautiful Experiences."
While pursuing sustainable operation in terms of its environmental (E), social (S), and governance (G) performance, in an increasingly sophisticated and complicated society, the Company strives to help shape a more sustainable society, by making the connections stronger and more dependable by the power of people and technology.
Sustainability Promotion Framework
Altius Link is committed to ensuring a firm focus on sustainability in its management. To achieve this, we have appointed an officer responsible for sustainability and established a Sustainability Promotion Committee. The Sustainability Promotion Committee works in close coordination with internal risk management divisions and reports on risk management, business implementation, and the progress of related initiatives. The Management Committee, the company's decision-making body for key management issues, deliberates on a variety of matters related to sustainability management, and discusses and makes decisions regarding specific measures to be implemented. The Board of Directors receives reports on the progress of sustainability promotion initiatives and supervises their implementation accordingly.